“可能会发生什么? right?”

That’s the optimistic question that award-winning restaurateur Danny Meyer ’80, P’20 recommended members of the 博彩平台网址大全 Class of 2024 ask when considering new opportunities.

Danny Meyer ’80, P’20 delivers an address at the 198th 博彩平台网址大全 Commencement. 照片由Nick Caito提供.

“Rather than focusing only on the potential downsides… try hard to let yourself be open to the upsides,梅耶在博彩平台网址大全的演讲中对毕业生们说 第198届毕业典礼 5月19日,周日,在主街广场.

他向参加仪式的数千人发表讲话, 迈耶表示,自己态度积极, 再加上听从自己的直觉,追求计划外的东西, guided his trajectory from Trinity’s admissions wait list to a successful career in the hospitality industry.

In all, 559 学生 were honored during the ceremony for earning their degrees. 在本科生中, 336 received bachelor of arts degrees and 209 were awarded bachelor of science degrees. 本科学位获得者中有5人是 个性化学位课程(IDP) 学生. 14名研究生获得硕士学位.

Class of 2024 graduates walk across the Luther-Roosevelt stone as Commencement begins.

Trinity bestowed an honorary doctor of humane letters degree on Meyer—an author, 企业家, and the founder of Union Square Hospitality Group and Shake Shack—in recognition of his investment in and dedication to hospitality and to serving others, 他的社区, 和学院.

迈耶告诉毕业生们, “You are the generation our world needs more than ever to thoughtfully engage in solving some really tough problems. Your experiences while at Trinity have shown you that active listening, 进行勇敢的对话, and assuming the best intentions of others is almost always the best way 向前. 请慷慨地运用这些技能. 它们对你和整个世界都有好处.”

他描述了自己的旅程, Meyer称, “有了时间和后见之明, I’m pretty confident that the most consequential day in my life was the day Trinity wait listed me. 然后是我被录取并承诺入学的那一天. That first day ignited a lifetime of fire in my belly to prove to myself that I could measure up.他补充道, “你的生活中有很多抽象的片段, 很多都和你在这里的四年有关, 它们也会以你今天不可能知道的方式组合在一起.”

学生演讲者Aarti Carolina Lamberg ' 24发表讲话.

Trinity also awarded honorary doctor of laws degrees to former 哈特福德 mayor Luke A. Bronin, 以表彰他对哈特福德和国家的贡献, and the care with which he led the city; and to professor and policymaker Sara C. Bronin, in recognition of her contributions to the greater good as a public servant, 院士, 和律师.

Members of the Class of 2024 heard from student speaker Aarti Carolina Lamberg ’24, who asked everyone to slow down and to not rely too heavily on technology as a replacement for human emotions and interactions. “I ask that you allow yourselves a few moments every day to breathe and to make sure you’re doing what you can to spread love and positivity,”她说。. “我们可以选择回归我们内在的人性, 从我们的设备中抬起头来, 并视彼此为同胞.”

由她负责博彩平台网址大全三世纪第一届毕业班, Trinity President Joanne Berger-Sweeney talked about the lessons that a difficult year brought to the College community. 在秋天, Tahseen Aliahmad ’26 was shot while walking in Vermont with his childhood friends, 都是巴勒斯坦人后裔. 在全国范围内,大学生抗议中东战争.

博彩平台网址大全院长乔安妮·伯格-斯威尼说 speaks to the graduates at Commencement.

“Part of what this year has taught us is how to hold firm to what we believe and how to care for one another,”她说。. “I am grateful that we remain a community that believes in our convictions while choosing to respect one another even in the face of difficulty and conflicting beliefs.”

除了向她表示祝贺之外, Berger-Sweeney implored the graduates to never stop learning or seeking answers, 拥抱未知. “You hold the power to use this incredible tool of a liberal arts education to make your community a better place, 无论你走到哪里,”她说。.

就像授予学位一样, the valedictorian and salutatorian of Trinity’s Class of 2024 were recognized for their outstanding academic achievements. 来自纽约的亨利·夏皮罗(Henry Shapiro)获得了B.S., 优等生, with honors in computer science and an additional major in mathematics, was named valedictorian; Hannah Lorenzo, 亚利桑那, 得了B的学生.A., 优等生, with honors in international studies: global studies and a minor in rhetoric, 写作, 以及媒体研究, 被任命为致告别辞.

2024年毕业典礼代表董事会,董事会主席Lisa G. Bisaccia 78 presented awards for faculty, staff, and student excellence. 受托人杰出教师奖颁给了 米歇尔·L. 终于提出格雷戈里·G. 马里奥87届化学副教授,还有 中庭一个. Myers保罗·E. 城市国际研究特聘教授. The Trustee Award for Staff Excellence went to 伊丽莎白Landell-Simon, 物理行政助理, 环境科学, 公共政策和法律, 和哲学. The Trustee Award for Student Excellence went to Class of 2024 graduates Aarti Carolina Lamberg and Bernardo F. Simões.

Associate Dean for Curriculum and Professor of Theater and Dance Mitchell A. Polin announced honors for several members of the faculty for their dedication to the academic life of Trinity. The Thomas Church Brownell Prize for Teaching Excellence for 2024 went to 大卫·毛罗。,数学教授. 院长Arthur H. 2024年休斯教学成就奖获得者是 易卜拉欣K. Shikaki他是经济学助理教授 顺源张, 国际研究和妇女助理教授, gender, 和性.

At the end of the ceremony—but just before Trinity graduates tossed their mortar boards into the air—博彩平台网址大全校友会 President Jorge Eduardo Rodriguez ’91 welcomed the graduates into the company of Trinity alumni, 编号30,全世界有000人.
